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Woodlands Meed makes provision for pupils with a wide range of Special Educational Needs, though all of our pupils have learning disabilities and are working behind their mainstream counterparts academically and developmentally.

A large number of our pupils are on the autistic spectrum, and as such we make special provision to ensure that our environment is well-adapted to support their learning; though we tend to find these adaptations benefit and support all our pupils.

Because of the specialist learning needs of our pupils, we balance our curriculum between academic learning and personal progress; all our pupils benefit from specific work around life skills, independence building, resilience and emotional regulation, social skills and communication.

We follow recommendations and prescribed provision in EHCPs, but also work flexibly to respond to our pupils day-to-day needs. The Annual Review process allows us to discuss their educational programme and how our pupils are responding, and set specific targets to address their most pressing areas of need regarding personal progress.

Pupils work on these Next Steps every day in class, building their independence, self-regulation, communication and physical/sensory strategies to help them in school and in later life. We always celebrate our pupils’ personal progress achievements as much as their academic progress and work towards them being as independent as possible in their adult lives.