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Pupils can join Woodlands Meed at any point in their education once it has been agreed by West Sussex that they need a special school placement with us. Click here to find out about admissions.

As a child progresses through Woodlands Meed there will be changes to classes and groups, and we aim to support your child through these transitions and support parents by providing them with the information needed at each stage.

  • Early Years - school site
  • Key Stage 1 - school site
  • Key Stage 2 - school site
  • Key Stage 3 - school site
  • Key Stage 4 - college site

Pupils may leave at the end of Key Stage 4 or progress to our post 16 provision

A transition programme will take place when your child joins our school from another setting, usually through supported visits to our school and peer group integration sessions. ‘Meet The Teacher’ sessions and welcome talks are also offered for families. Transition work also takes place internally every year if a child is moving class.

School to College transition

Transition to our college site at the end of Year 9 begins with familiarisation visits, followed by more formal learning days. Parents are also invited to a presentation, a college tour and ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening. Teachers hold detailed meetings with new class teams and there are also handovers with medical staff and therapists.

Transition – post Woodlands Meed

Woodlands Meed believes it is important that our young people start to think about their aspirations as early as possible. From Year 9 we will begin to discuss plans for transition and explore further education or training that will enable our young people to secure paid work and other opportunities for a positive adult life.

A wide range of career related activity takes place throughout the year, including gaining the student views about their future, enabling their full contribution to the review itself, reviewing career related outcomes and yearly EHCP targets and working with families and a network of professionals to ensure career guidance is relevant, impartial and based student aspirations and long-term outcomes.

For more details about careers activities please see The Meed's Job Club

Some pupils will leave Woodlands Meed at the end of Year 11 and go to SEN / Foundation provision at local FE colleges whilst others who need higher levels of support with life skills and independence will stay on for 1,2 or 3 years.

Pupils who are expecting to move on from Woodlands Meed have the opportunity to participate in Well-Being transition groups and meet alumni to hear about their experiences of moving on.

"Woodlands Meed provides such a positive environment where my daughter can explore her skills and express herself in any way she likes. The college has been invaluable for preparing both of us for the next stage in her life when she leaves for pastures new."

From a parent at Woodlands Meed