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We are very excited to announce that after the highly successful pilot scheme last year, GOSketch is back with a BANG! Thanks to Neil and his team at JOLF, our current year 9s will access this amazing opportunity which incorporates two of our most popular subjects; art and sport!

Our students will be provided with a 10 week programme which focusses on communication, fine and gross motor skills, and most importantly teamwork.  Our students will work in two teams to design and create a character, persona and colour scheme which, once finalised, will be used to produce some chosen pieces of merchandise that the students will be allowed to keep!  These could include t-shirts, baseball caps and putting clubs, all complete with THEIR character and colour exciting is that?! 

We will keep you updated on their progress and look forward to presenting our students’ final designs!

#watchthisspace #getcreative #littleapprentices

 Our students have thoroughly enjoyed their first half of GoSketch sessions. They have had the opportunity to receive some coaching from the Neil; tackling a number of putting challenges with great enthusiasm and success!

Furthermore, the students have also worked really hard on the art and design elements of this project.  They were put into two teams, each with an allocated team captain.  Their first challenge was to come up with a team name that they all agreed on, and after a lot of discussions, we now have our two teams:

1. The Whisperers

2. The Gull-Actic Golfers

Students have been working hard on their logos and characters for their team, which when finalised will be revealed to the rest of the school!


We are very excited to announce that after the highly successful pilot scheme last year, GOSketch is back with a BANG! Thanks to Neil and his team at JOLF, our current year 9s will access this amazing opportunity which incorporates two of our most popular subjects; art and sport!

Our students will be provided with a 10 week programme which focusses on communication, fine and gross motor skills, and most importantly teamwork.  Our students will work in two teams to design and create a character, persona and colour scheme which, once finalised, will be used to produce some chosen pieces of merchandise that the students will be allowed to keep!  These could include t-shirts, baseball caps and putting clubs, all complete with THEIR character and colour exciting is that?! 

We will keep you updated on their progress and look forward to presenting our students’ final designs!

#watchthisspace #getcreative #littleapprentices

 Our students have thoroughly enjoyed their first half of GoSketch sessions. They have had the opportunity to receive some coaching from the Neil; tackling a number of putting challenges with great enthusiasm and success!

Furthermore, the students have also worked really hard on the art and design elements of this project.  They were put into two teams, each with an allocated team captain.  Their first challenge was to come up with a team name that they all agreed on, and after a lot of discussions, we now have our two teams:

1. The Whisperers

2. The Gull-Actic Golfers

Students have been working hard on their logos and characters for their team, which when finalised will be revealed to the rest of the school!