Keen readers raise money for books for School

Pupils and Teachers from Woodlands Meed Special School in Burgess Hill were over the moon to receive news that £1040 of Usborne books are heading their way after a fantastic joint fundraising effort by keen readers and local Usborne Books seller Amanda Saunders.
This is the third year that the School pupils have taken part in the ‘Ready Steady Read and Listen Challenge’ organised by Amanda and coordinated at Woodlands Meed by Assistant Head Teacher, Martin Woods.
The children managed to raise £650 through their sponsored read and listen during the School’s Book Week back in April. Usborne added 60% through their Ready Steady Read and Listen Scheme which meant the School has an incredible £1040 to spend on new books.
Martin Woods was delighted to be able to order so many new books for the pupils
"We are incredibly grateful to our generous parents and supporters for helping us raise this money and to Amanda at Usborne for helping us make this money go even further. Being able to choose fantastic books for our children to enhance and support their learning and nurture a love of books and reading is amazing. We are so proud of the fantastic reading and listening the children did during our Book Week to help achieve this.’