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Science Week at Woodlands Meed goes with a BANG!

For science week, Ali Khan, a STEM specialist from ‘STEM Innovations’, visited the College to run STEM workshops for KS4 and KS5. During the sessions, pupils made paper buckets and used a leaf blower to shoot balls into the buckets. The team of pupils with the bucket which retained the most balls won – a lot of fun was had with this activity!

The leaf blower was used to blow up a large ball and the pupils got to throw this back and forth whilst it shrunk. He also showed us his amazing robot and how he coded it to do different things like dance, exercise and speaking. During the week we were also visited by ‘Sublime’ who were discovered on Dragon's Den. They held a fun science assembly and showed us a variety of experiments such as elephant's toothpaste, plasma balls, an electric stick and a sound hose. Pupils were invited up from the audience to participate in the different activities and experiments and a lot of interest was generated amongst the students.