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Careers Events

We host and plan a number of exciting Careers Events throughout the year including the Woodlands Meed Business Brunch and the Woodlands Meed Careers and Transitions Fair, as well as a variety of activities during National Careers Week.


 In Oct 2022 a group of students spent the day at Ridgeview Vineyard - read all about it here.

Business Networking Brunch

On 27th May the Meeds Job Club launched their Inclusive Training at their Business Networking Brunch. Read about the launch here

Careers and Transition Fair 2022

Read all about our 2022 Careers and Transition Fair here

Careers & Transition Fair 2021

This year our careers fair went  online! This meant we were not bound by the usual geographical limitations and could host the most diverse and engaging event with speakers from all over the UK. We were extremely proud to welcome back past students who shared their experience of leaving Woodlands Meed and transitioning to the workplace.  

Here are a few links to the local press who have published articles about our successful careers week:

Rosie Jones and Andrew Self start star-studded week of talks at Woodlands Meed | West Sussex County Times (

Rosie Jones and Andrew Self start star-studded week of talks at Woodlands Meed | Mid Sussex Times

National Careers Week 2021

This year National Careers Week went virtual! With the majority of students learning at home this year, the careers team created a variety of tasks, challenges and STEM activities for the students to take part in; whether they were home learning or in school and college. The students enjoyed taking part in the exciting range of activities and produced some really impressive work!

Careers & Transition Fair 2020 

The inaugural Woodlands Meed Careers and Transition Fair was held on Tuesday 14th January at The Kings Church, Burgess Hill. It was open to all our students from Year 7 to 14 and hosted over 30 exhibitors which included a variety of employers, day services, transitional services and further education settings.

The Woodlands Meed Careers and Transition Fair is designed to introduce students to the world of work and to develop their ideas about transition. Students were able to approach exhibitors in a supported and safe setting and talk to them directly, simultaneously gaining an understanding of the different roles and opportunities available, as well as the skills required.  

The event was well-attended and the feedback from the exhibitors, staff and the students has been excellent. Thank you to the Careers team who worked hard to organise the event and to the Friends of Woodlands Meed who supported the event.


  • ‘I found it very interesting and inspiring to see so many different companies doing so much for vulnerable people’ staff member
  • 100% of staff thought that it would valuable to develop and repeat the Careers and Transition Fair in the future
  • ‘I enjoyed learning about companies and colleges I didn’t know about already.’ student
  • I enjoyed learning different career and meeting people.’ student
  • 100% of the students found the event interesting and useful
  •  ‘I would like to have more time there.’ student
  • I think that this has been such a really good fair and it must happen again certainly. ‘ student
  • ‘Lovely set up, friendly staff, brilliant students and was great to speak to the parents/carers at the end too. ‘ Exhibitor

The careers team are already planning next year’s event. If you are a local business who would like to know more email

National Careers Week 2020 

We had a fantastic time celebrating National Careers Week 2020. The students have taken part in a range of careers and transition activities including: a STEAM event at the school, a careers fair at the AMEX Stadium, work place visits to PVL UK and the Dolphin Leisure Centre and a transitions Stepping Stone Workshop at Plumpton College. The students also had the opportunity to meet inspirational speakers and visitors including an exciting visit from West Sussex Fire and Rescue.

Students from KS4 went to a Careers Fair at The Amex Stadium in Brighton. The students had a great time and interacted well with the exhibitors, asking appropriate questions about careers and education. Of course they also picked up the odd freebie along the way!

Students from 5AM and Willow enjoyed a visit from ex-student Kara Warner. She spoke to the group about her current placement at Oak Tree Farm and the activities she participates in when she is there. The students enjoyed looking at photos of things that have been made at Oak Tree Farm and asked Kara questions about how she felt when she moved on from Woodlands Meed.

Students had the opportunity to visit a local employer who specialise in car wrapping and applying vinyl to emergency service vehicles across the globe. Students enjoyed a hands on activity putting together packs of vinyl which will be applied to vehicles in the near future.

A mixed group of students attended Plumpton College for a Stepping Stone Workshop. Aimed at students due to be transitioning in the near future the day consisted of learning about the courses on offer, how they would be supported and a tour of the facilities.

Business Brunch 2019

Woodlands Meed launched our first ever Business Brunch at the college site on 13th November 2019. This was a wonderful opportunity for local businesses to see just how successful Woodlands Meed students can be and our Woodlands Meed enterprises were proudly on display including Card Making, Upcycling, Publishing and Marketing, and with the Catering and Hospitality Enterprise team serving refreshments it proved to be a wonderful event.

It was a valuable opportunity for the students to learn about the WSCC Learning Disability Team’s Positive and Possible Campaign, hear from Cllr Colin Trumble, watch presentations from YAAN Apprenticeship Team and Café Domenica and to hear from two ex-Woodlands Meed students about life after Woodlands Meed.

Hugo Edwards and Peter McCleery each gave honest, insightful and inspirational speeches about moving on from Woodlands Meed that we just have to share. We are extremely proud of both their achievements and wish them every success in their futures.