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College Rebuild

14th November 2024

Dear Parents & Staff,

Update on College Building Works

You may see a contractor on site at the College over the next couple of days, carrying out some excavation work.

For the avoidance of doubt, unfortunately, this is not the start of work on Phase Two of the Project, but it is a step towards this. 

Contractors will be carrying out some exploratory work to establish exactly what has been done by ISG so far and to double check what further work is required to clear the site of the old buildings and foundations to enable the new works to proceed.



Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors.




8th November 2024

Brief College Building Update - 08.11.24

This is just a brief update to assure everyone that work is going on apace to find an alternative contractor to finish the College.

WSCC have confirmed that it is well progressed and they are currently going through the various required procedures to check everything out, which will include agreeing selection with Governors, before confirming an appointment.

We should have some more news for you in a couple of weeks.


Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors.



25th June 2024

Update on College Building - 25.06.24


As matters progress, we are providing regular updates.


We are pleased to confirm the situation with the Shutter Door has been resolved, and we have withdrawn this from our list of Representations.


We have received confirmation from WSCC that they will undertake the work referred to in our other Representations.  We had asked for this work to be guaranteed before the start of term in September.   However, unfortunately, they caveated this to provide that the work would be done if necessary within 12 months.  Clearly, we cannot wait 12 months for secure entrance doors, an approved Exam storage room without which the College cannot provide GCSEs, a legacy furniture report to enable the actual move and the ability to evacuate from the first floor in the event of fire or accident, so all these need to be clarified.


Work was due to start on three of the outstanding items on Monday.  As we have experience of ISG providing dates and then not keeping to them, we have asked if these have indeed been commenced and are awaiting confirmation.


We were informed this morning that, apparently the Contract Administrator issued a Sectional Completion Certificate at 5.00pm last night.  We are not able to comment on this at this stage as WSCC have failed to provide a copy of the actual certificate as required under the terms of our Development Agreement and more importantly the required Snagging List of all the items still outstanding (last week there were some 150 items) and most importantly, what provision has been made for our safety concern items.


We have also just received a 5th version of a proposed Programme for Section Two.  The period for this work has moved from the contractual period of 28 weeks to 31 weeks and is now 38 weeks.  However, more importantly, it would appear that the period of disruption to the access of to the new building has extended from 5 weeks to 8 weeks. We immediately asked for clarification as to how access was to be gained to the new building during this period of disruption, but have yet to receive a reply.  There is also a question mark over the provision of the All Weather Pitch, which was a key element in the Secretary of State s77 consent permitting the building to be constructed on the old playing field.


Unfortunately, we still have a lot of loose ends to resolve before we can start to celebrate.



Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors

Woodlands Meed


Update on College Building - 21st June 2024


This is a long letter as I am setting out in detail the situation to avoid any misunderstandings arising from comments made by other parties.


Further to my letter of 6th June, following the Representations we made about the significant outstanding work at the College, a Sectional Certificate was not issued by the Employers Agent, confirming that the building was still not yet complete and ready for occupation.


ISG called for a further Inspection, which was held on 17th June.


By way of reminder, this certificate confirms that the building is fit and ready for occupation except for minor defects which do not materially affect the use of the building or structure.  The Governors are entitled to make Representations if they do not consider a Certificate to this effect should be issued.


Some of the issues raised in our first Representations had been dealt with and we have readily accepted these.  Unfortunately, there were still a number of outstanding matters which are critical to student occupation, and we have again had to make Representations that the outstanding items would prevent immediate occupation by students, and I set these out at the end of this letter.


Some of this work is agreed and programmed over the course of the next weeks.  We have therefore again confirmed to WSCC that we would accept their undertaking that if agreed outstanding work to the building is not completed by ISG, this would be carried out by WSCC in time for the students to take occupation at the start of the Autumn Term, or if this was not practically possible, WSCC would carry out interim temporary work to enable them to do so, until such time as the outstanding work could be properly completed. 


Most disappointingly, another two weeks have passed and ISG have still not been able to produce a Programme for Section Two. The only thing we can be certain about is that it will be at least 8 weeks longer than the original contractual period for the second phase. (Now 31weeks+).


The latest version we have seen shows a five-to-six-week period where the temporary Section Two student access to the new building is removed for work to be carried out, but without providing a suitable alternative access!   Following the unfortunate situation last July, we cannot risk packing up again until we know exactly what is being carried out when, and that our students and staff can have continuous unfettered access to the building.


In my last letter I said that we were very much keeping our fingers crossed that things would be at a stage where we could confidently give notice of decant to parents on 21st  June.  Sadly, it did not work. We are not at that stage.


At the same time, we want to leave the window of opportunity open for ISG to get on and complete the work and/or WSCC to provide the undertaking they said they would provide, so there can be a summer move.


Accordingly, the Head will give notice of a Save the Day Date for 23rd July, the last day of term, when the school will be closed.  If it is possible to pack up on that day, he will give notice of the dates for closure at the beginning of the Autumn Term when everything will be unpacked and made ready for the students.


We will continue to keep you updated.




Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors

Woodland Meed



Outstanding Work required for students to be able to take up occupation


1.         Adjust as necessary the settings on the drop down shutter in the DT room, as once dropped there is no manual override for anyone trapped inside.


2.         Install the safety railings to the unguarded Atrium Steps to prevent students falling onto paving below.


3.         Install the safety gate to top of Atrium Steps to prevent wheelchair tipping inadvertently down the steps or any trips.


4.          Source and provide an appropriate model of Evac Chair which will go round the bottom of the stairways as the two models of Evac Chairs trialled to date for exit in the event of fire or accident have not proved suitable.


5.         Provide and install a solution to the solar glare along top corridor, where there is no mechanical ventilation and none of the windows open.  The temperature in the corridor with the unprotected windows is currently unacceptable.


6.         Complete secure Exam Room as the College will not be able to offer GCSEs unless the exam room meets the required examination board requirements.


7.         Provide a legacy survey showing location of legacy equipment identified by Space Zero to be transferred to the new building or the packers will not be able to locate it in the old building and move it to the correct location in the new building so the building is ready for use by students.


8.         Carry out outstanding remedial capping to the brickwork to prevent water ingress and complete areas around pillars. This work requires a cherry picker and for all the railings around the affected balconies and roof terrace to first be removed and then replaced when the work is completed.


9.         Install Extractor to kitchen.


10.       Install control panel in Reception to replicate panel that at the main door, as the current arrangement for automatic opening of the entrance doors and internal security door means the entrance cannot be secured.


11.       Agree and install works required to satisfy Environmental Health Officer that there is no noise nuisance from the roof plant following the complaints from neighbouring properties.



Update on College Building – 6th June 2024

Although progress on completing the outstanding work at the College has been disappointingly slow, a number of significant issues have now been resolved and work on others agreed.


ISG called for an Inspection to ascertain if a Certificate should be issued confirming the building has reached Sectional Completion.  This certificate confirms that the building is fit and ready for occupation except for minor defects which do not materially affect the use of the building or structure.  The Governors are entitled to make Representations if they do not consider the Certificate to this effect should be issued.


Following an inspection with BLB the Surveyors for the school, we reached the conclusion that there were still outstanding items which would prevent immediate occupation by students and duly gave notice of representation.   These items include safety railings; safety gates; replacement Evac chairs; issues with external plant; sensory alterations to the Common Room to ensure it is acceptable to special needs students; repairs to roof capping which will require intrusive building works; resolution of unacceptable solar glare to top corridor; no hand over of required certificates of compliance and other formal completion documents.   As of last Friday, there were still over 300 snagging items, which is a large number of items for any project.


We are very concerned that the required work, which has been agreed for certain essential items, will not be carried out. To give the school confidence and certainty, we would accept an undertaking from WSCC that if ISG do not carry out this critical work, WSCC will do so.


Most importantly, the latest version of the Programme for Section Two is still the subject of review and discussion.  Following the unfortunate situation last July, we cannot risk packing up again until we know exactly what is being carried out when. 


Positively, it may have taken a long time and been hard won, but significant improvements in areas of the specification and quality of workmanship have been achieved and will be of inestimable value to our students in future years.  In this respect we would especially like to thank the surveyors from BLB who have taken a really careful professional approach when reviewing the work for the school.


We are aware WSCC are urging resolution of some outstanding issues, and we know work is programmed in the next couple of weeks for things such as the safety railing, so we are very much keeping our fingers crossed that things will be at a stage where we can give notice of decant to parents by 21 June, confident that at that stage any outstanding minor items will be completed during the summer holidays, ready for pupils to start in the new building in the Autumn Term.


As time is now so critical, we will keep you advised as to progress.




Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors

Woodland Meed.



Update on new college building - 26th April 2024

Another disappointing update.  There had been hopes that it might be possible to decant and move into the new building in May half term.

Unfortunately, it has not proved possible to complete all the outstanding work required to ensure that the building is fit for occupation by our students, and we are therefore now looking to a summer holiday move.

We are currently working to agree an acceptable programme to complete Phase 2 of the works as the original date for completion of these works under the contract has already expired.  These comprise demolition of the existing timber building and huts, construction of new access and car park, and the essential All Weather Pitch.

The frustration of everyone involved cannot be underestimated.  However the delay should ensure that all work and installation of all equipment is completed prior to occupation.


Marion Wilcock

Chair of Governors