Home Learning
When will my child need to learn from home?
If your child is having to isolate at home due to exceptional circumstances, we will ensure that Home Learning is sent home via Seesaw. This will link with the work that your child would have been doing in school. We would ask that you communicate with the class teacher and upload completed work with comments, so that we can adjust the work accordingly.
If your child is ill with symptoms and is unable to complete any home learning because they are not well enough, please discuss this with us.
Where possible, we will set up a TEAMS meeting with you at home so that your child can access some group or whole class learning that is going on in the classroom. In this way, they can still have some live contact with the class team and their classmates.
If there is a class closure or a local lockdown and the school is advised to partially close we will provide a weekly timetable of learning activities that replicate what the learners would have been doing, if they were at school. This will be adjusted and made as easy for you as parents, to support your child at home.
Our Well-being team will also provide activities to support your child’s mental health and well-being.
What is my child expected to do?
Our aim to is to keep learning on track as much as possible and to support you in keeping a routine and focus at home as much as you can.
Each day we would like your child to:
- Complete appropriately set activities in English, Maths and other curriculum subject areas.
- Upload work on Seesaw so that we can engage with their learning and plan their next learning steps.
- Join in with TEAMS meetings where possible to do so.
It is important that your child engages with home learning. If they are not, we will use the following strategies to provide additional support:
- Phone call/ email to the home to discuss what the issues might be.
- Agreed strategies to try to re-engage with the learning.
- Social sessions - TEAMS meetings.
What support will the school provide?
Regular contact with teachers through Seesaw, TEAMS and Teacher drop in sessions.
Regular feedback will be given via Seesaw, so your child knows how they are doing.
What can I do to help my child?
Create a positive environment for your child to learn at home, for example:
- Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, to separate school life and home life.
- Designate a working space if possible, and at the end of the day have a clear cut-off to signal school time is over.
- Create and stick to a routine, as this is what your child is familiar with at school. For example, eat breakfast at the same time each morning and make sure they are dressed before starting the ‘school’ day.
- Stick a timetable up on the wall, so everyone knows what they should be doing when, and tick activities off throughout the day.
- Make time for exercise and breaks throughout the day to keep your child active.