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Key Stage 3

Within Key Stage 3 a variety of interventions such as Maths, Reading and Comprehension, Social Groups, Handwriting and Narrative Therapy are used to boost pupil’s confidence and learning. Sessions are delivered in small groups or on a 1:1 basis depending on the child’s individual needs. For each intervention different programmes are delivered but alongside these programmes the lessons are individualized so the child has the best tools to meet their targets.

The interventions are a continuation from Key Stage 2 so we use the same programmes Mathletics and Reading Eggs to keep the continuity. We use different handwriting programmes suited to the child’s individual needs and we provide Social groups using the Talkabout programmes which boost self-awareness and self esteem.


When the children arrive at year 9 a smooth transition to college is paramount and hand over sessions for each individual child is discussed and the relevant interventions are continued at the College site.