Adam Rowland Headteacher | |
"I have had the privilege of being the Headteacher at Woodlands Meed since September 2015. Our staff team are dedicated and professional and take great pride in the student’s outcomes. By working together, we are able to find practical solutions to ensure that we maximise the opportunities for the students to achieve the best outcomes. Everyone at Woodlands Meed works closely with students and their families, to ensure that each and every individual is fully supported in reaching their goals. Our work is, of course, a team effort so that students enjoy the optimum in personal and academic progress." |
Chris Carter School Deputy Head (SEND) | |
"My role is to ensure every pupil’s special educational needs are met well, and to support pupil wellbeing at the school site. I am the main contact for new admissions to Woodlands Meed from age 2 to 14, and work to ensure we meet the needs of both new and existing pupils. I work with WSCC on Annual Reviews and EHCPs, and I am Designated Safeguarding Lead, so work with families and social care to support all our pupils to help them thrive in school and at home. Part of my role concerns pastoral care of our pupils and the work we do in school around wellbeing, mental health and student welfare. I am also responsible for a lot of our therapeutic provision and staff training." |
Gillian Barton College Deputy Head (SEND) | |
"My role as Deputy Head SEND at the college starts with new admissions and transitions from our school site – it involves keeping every child happy and healthy when they are here and then preparing them for their first steps into adulthood. I co-ordinate a range of therapists and intervention assistants to work with our children and work closely with our wonderful nursing and Well-being teams to ensure that every pupil’s mental, physical and medical needs are met. I am the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and Designated Safeguarding Lead for the College. I am passionate about Communication being at the heart of our school ethos and about equipping our children with the skills to make their voice heard – whatever their chosen method of communication. I hold overall responsibility for making sure we are up to date in our approaches and staff have the relevant training to develop this most important of skills in our young people. Woodlands Meed is an amazing place of learning and love and I am proud to work here with our awesome staff team." |
Tom Brown College Deputy Head (Teaching & Learning) | |
“In my role as Deputy Head of Teaching and Learning I oversee the continuous evolution of our curriculum to ensure the progress of our learners by raising expectations and improving achievements. I work with the staff team to deliver our vision and create an environment that encourages our pupils to succeed. The broad and balanced curriculum on offer at the College provides our students with the opportunities to gain the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare them for adulthood taking into account their own needs and the impacts of the locality. I ensure all curriculum areas are effectively managed in Key stage 4 and 5 by developing the collaboration of subject leads and other stakeholders. I work closely with the school site to support the academic transition of pupils from KS3. This involves identifying a clear learning pathway for our pupils and to help create a bespoke curriculum. I’m also the executive lead for maths, ensuring the continuity between sites by embedding the maths mastery approach." |
Nola Bennett Deputy Head (Careers and curriculum collaboration) | |
"In my role as Executive Careers Leader across the Woodlands Meed organisation, I oversee a relevant and engaging careers programme which meets the differing needs and requirements of our students. This is developed throughout a student’s time at the school and college and is always supportive of their abilities, strengths and skills. We believe that everyone has the potential to contribute to their community and have the opportunity to work. We are currently developing The Meed’s Job Club which aims to support young people into paid employment. Through the Meed’s Job Club we want to challenge the misconceptions that people have about employing people with a learning disability. I am also Executive Lead for both English and PSHE, ensuring that plans are implemented to provide consistency of teaching across the two sites, creating a clear learning pathway for our students across the organisation. Effective collaboration across the two sites is key to building a relevant curriculum, where teachers work together utilising skills and knowledge to increase the student’s learning and progress. I am very proud to be part of the highly supportive learning community with the focus firmly on the student’s individual growth towards successful and confident adulthoods." |
Justina Pughe-Morgan Business Support Manager | |
"My role as overall strategic and operational lead for Finance, IT and Administration is to ensure that these functions provide the school and college with efficient and effective support systems and the ongoing financial stability needed to deliver an outstanding education to our learners." |
Heather Trott Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning) | |
"In my role as Assistant Headteacher of Teaching and Learning, I oversee and support the teaching of the curriculum in the Primary and Early Years phase. In collaboration with colleagues, I endeavour to continuously review and evolve the school curriculum; to ensure that it is broad, balanced and engaging for our pupils. I work with the staff team to ensure that the curriculum is implemented successfully and the pupils are being prepared for the next phase of their education. I also oversee the teaching of Maths throughout the school and work with colleagues to ensure that this area is well resourced, monitored and adapted to meet the pupils needs and abilities. I work with the intervention team to highlight pupils who may need additional support in this area, whether that be in class or though targeted intervention, and offer support and guidance when needed. I work closely with the College team to ensure that the Maths Mastery approach is being embedded across both sites, where appropriate. |
Martin Woods Assistant Head (Teaching and Learning) | |
"Having the chance to oversee and evolve the KS3 curriculum, ensuring it prepares our students for the next phase of their education, is a real privilege and challenge that I enjoy. Together with staff I aim to provide an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum, focused on providing students with the skills and knowledge they need, as well as promoting a lifelong love of learning. I manage and support subject leaders and other professionals, empowering them to grow their expertise and areas of the curriculum effectively, in order to maximise student outcomes and enrich their education. I also lead the teaching of English throughout the school, working in collaboration to deliver our vision for literacy. Reading and phonics is a priority for Woodlands Meed and I lead an effective team to support staff, children and parents. Using various data sources I manage and guide the schools intervention team to provide bespoke targeted support to our students. I work closely with other schools in my role as a county moderator, to ensure best practise is developed at Woodlands Meed. " |
Mark Rogers Assistant Head (Complex Needs) | |
"Having the opportunity to oversee the Complex Needs department at Woodlands Meed fills me with joy as I get the opportunity to provide and deliver an irresistible curriculum to a fantastic cohort of learners. Within this role, my aim is to bring Communication and Independence to the forefront of everything we achieve, ensuring our students can be the best they can be by preparing them for adulthood. I work closely with the staffing team throughout school and college in delivering Gina Davies’ Attention Autism intervention model throughout the curriculum whilst developing a ‘Thinking Aloud’ culture." |