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Membership and Services

Membership is available to all early years, primary, secondary schools and further education colleges in West Sussex.

Click here to get in touch today to become a member.

Here is a list of our services for members and non-members. 

 * at an additional cost


Inclusion Leaders/SENDCo Network

We hold half termly Inclusion Leaders meetings to provide a space for our members to network, keep up to date with current practice and hear from a range of guest speakers. These are also opportunities to share resources, skills and expertise. We give members the opportunity to contribute to the agenda for the meetings, ensuring they best support the needs and local context of our schools.

"As a member of the Meeds SEND Alliance I really value and appreciate the half termly Inclusion Leaders meetings. The meetings allow us to not only share good practice, but to also network with other Inclusion Leaders in the locality which is invaluable!"  

Alison Burholt, Inclusion Manager