Speech and Language Therapy
Woodlands Meed work with the NHS Speech & Language service provided for us by West Sussex. This is not a full time provision so trained Speech & Language therapy assistants employed by school carry out some programmes and additional work.
What do the SLT team do?
Your child’s support may include one or more of the following, carried out in collaboration with education staff and parents/carers.
- Classroom based support
- Training for education staff
- Advice and support for class staff
- Assessment
- Assess and advise on how to support children with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
- Individual or group sessions with a therapist or an assistant if required. These will be for an agreed time-frame and reviewed according to need.
- Support the Woodlands Meed Speech and Language Teaching Assistants to facilitate group and/or individual sessions.
Collaborative working
A total communication approach ensures that education staff within Woodlands Meed are experienced at working with children with a range of communication problems and the curriculum is adapted to ensure that children with language and learning difficulties are able to understand and learn more effectively.
This means that some pupils may no longer require direct support from the Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) team and will not be on the SLT caseload as their needs can be met through this classroom based support. Your child’s progress will be reviewed annually, and the input they receive will be dependent on their changing needs and abilities.
The SLT Team recognise that working in partnership with parents and school staff is the most beneficial way of supporting pupils. If you would like to discuss your child with their allocated Speech and Language Therapist please feel free to contact them at school.
How to contact us
Speech & Language Therapy Department Horsham Hospital Hurst Road Horsham West Sussex RH12 2DR
Telephone: 01403 620445