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Staff Benefits & Wellbeing

Woodlands Meed staff can take advantage of a comprehensive range of benefits and wellbeing services, including:
  • Membership of the SAS premium staff wellbeing package, which provides free access to physiotherapy, counselling, GP and nurse support, and many other health and wellbeing features.
  • Access to Health Assured, an employee assistance programme offering practical and emotional support, such as legal advice and counselling through a confidential online and telephone helpline.
  • Access to West Sussex Choices, an employee benefits platform offering discount vouchers and other savings.
  • Access to Wisdom, an app to support health and wellbeing.
  • Access to Salary Finance, offering financial wellbeing support and advice as well as low-cost borrowing options and simple savings accounts. 
  • A cycle to work scheme, offering significant savings on bike purchases through a tax-free salary sacrifice arrangement.
  • Access to Easit Network, a sustainable travel network offering discounts on travel.
  • A half-termly newsletter detailing current offers and schemes.

Flyers providing more details these schemes are available at the bottom of this page.

Staff are also eligible to participate in various independent schemes that offer membership to school staff and public sector employees, including:
  • Blue Light Card - £4.99 membership for two years, provides access to big savings on the high street and across many well known brands.
  • Boundless - £40 annual membership for public sector employees, unlocks many exclusive benefits, including free entry for members and their children to Wakehurst, a TasteCard, access to Kids Pass.
The following free wellbeing resources, tools and services are available for everyone to access via the internet:
  • Headspace has become one of the most popular apps for mental wellbeing. It offers a variety of guided meditation and mindfulness techniques that help develop positive and healthy habits. Whether you’re looking for help getting to sleep, ways of relieving everyday anxiety or stress, or just to be more present, Headspace features a wealth of content to help boost mental wellbeing including guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, as well as a range of helpful tips in the form articles, videos and animations.
  • The NHS has a library of free-to-listen audio guides promoting mental wellbeing. These short guides have been created with doctors to help boost the mood of the listener and cover everything from coping mechanisms for depression and low mood, to anxiety control training and confidence building.
  • Calm is a great mobile app that encapsulates different forms of self-improvement, including improving the quality of your sleep, reducing stress or anxiety, improving focus and more. It typically costs £28.99 per year to access all of this content, however they have also made a library of free-to-access mindfulness content available on YouTube. This includes a guided meditation series called ‘Daily Calm’, a library of videos for helping with sleep, as well as stories from stars such as LeBron James, Camilla Cabello and Shawn Mendes on how meditation has changed their life.
  • Insight Timer is a free app for better sleep and alleviating stress and anxiety. It boasts more than 100,000 guided meditations from some of the best teachers in their field, and you can even be guided by famous names such as Russell Brand and Armin van Buuren.
  • My Possible Self is an app created in partnership with world leaders in mental health, offering a variety of clinically certified content from Priory Healthcare using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It helps to identify habits you want to change, manage and reduce stress, anxiety and depression, improve sleep or reduce stress. It does this by giving simple tools that enable users to learn how to reframe their negative thoughts into positive ones, helping identify triggers of anxiety and building awareness of how and why you might fall into negative thoughts.
Pension Advice

Staff are eligible to join either the Local Government Pension Scheme or the Teacher Pension Scheme, dependent on their role. 

My Money Matters is a free-to-use platform offering financial support to public sector partners’ workforces to achieve financial wellbeing in all aspects of the financial journey, and beyond just retirement benefits and planning.