Work With Families
Our Well-being Leads also work closely with families, supporting issues such as behaviour, mental health, attendance and safety; particularly where families are seeking advice with a specific pupil issue or concern (for example, sleep, attendance, bereavement, or personal hygiene). Well-being Leads often work alongside other professionals who work with families, and they may attend professional meetings to support parents and carers. In some instances Well-being Leads work with Early Help or Social Workers to help pupils and their families at particularly difficult times.
The ‘Who’s In Charge’ Course
We offer a specialist course for parents to support dealing with challenging behaviour (including aggression and violence) in the home, which can support families who feel their child is “out-of-control” or where they worry they cannot always control their child’s behaviour. If families come to us worried that they are “walking on eggshells” to avoid challenging behaviour, this course can often help provide advice and strategies to improve the situation. If you are interested in finding out more about this course, please contact the wellbeing team via the school office.