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Key Stage 1 & 2 (Primary)

This curriculum will be followed by Badgers, Moles, Rabbits, Fox and Owls.

In key stages 1 and 2 our year groups are divided into paired classes that are interlinked by a shared link room. Each pair will consist of a generic class with a wide range of needs including autism with the second class being an Autism specific class. 

We follow the National Curriculum at an appropriate level and aim to bring learning alive. We link our curriculum subjects through a topic where we can to make the learning as relevant to the children’s experiences as we can, but also to encourage new experiences and learning that can be linked to the classroom every day. 

We teach Phonics through a variety of adapted sessions using “Song of Sounds”.

We use a variety of reading schemes to support our learners. These include the “Reading with symbols” (Makaton) books and Collins Big Cat Phonics. We have a collection of age and interest appropriate books available from other schemes and in our school library so everyone  can  experience reading skills in their wider context.  We also teach much of our English curriculum through core texts allowing the pupils to become immersed in exciting and imaginative literature.

We strive to know all the learners in their uniqueness so that their learning and development is adapted to their individual needs.

We also ensure that all children have access to Forest school during the Year and encourage outdoor learning as part of our everyday curriculum delivery.

The document below has been designed to inform you of your child’s learning journey through the school. The staff team are continually reviewing the curriculum and will continue to be led by the pupils interests and needs. Therefore the contents may be adapted or changed, as appropriate.

If you would like further information regarding your child’s learning, please speak to your child’s class team or message via Seesaw.