Key Stage 3
Key Stage 3 is an exciting time for pupils attending Woodlands Meed. Pupils either move up from our primary department or join Woodlands Meed as a new pupil in Key Stage 3.
English and Maths lessons are taught in set groups during the morning as evidence shows this is the best time for concentration. The full national curriculum, including Religious Education, is offered, and is adapted to the pace and learning style of each group. During key stage 3, as well as academic lessons, we put a particular focus on developing each pupils independence and social skills, in preparation for the move to the college site.
Pupils are assigned a tutor group with a class teacher and support staff who will support them for the majority of their lessons. Pupils are taught core and specialist subjects and are expected to move around the building, transitioning regularly throughout the day. This is all in supporting their readiness for college.
All Key Stage 3 students are timetabled for an enrichment opportunity on a weekly basis. Each student engages in a variety of activities structured termly. The overall goal is to introduce new ideas to the students, so that they may develop an interest out of school or take up a hobby, becoming part of a wider community, developing relationships and making new friends.
Year 8 pupils attend a residential visit to enhance their learning experiences and promote their independence. Key Stage 3 classes also take part in an Activities Week in the summer term.