Key Stage 4
In Key Stage 4 the students start the journey towards completing qualifications that will support their transition into further education or their broader working lives. Within Key Stage 4 the students study the core subjects of Maths, English and Science at a level that reinforces understanding and provides clear opportunities to progress. The students also study the foundation subjects of Computing, Physical Education and Citizenship.
Computing is taught discretely. These skills are also incorporated into many other subject areas. Creative, Media and Performance Arts opportunities are also offered in the curriculum.
Our Personal and Social Development curriculum serves to equip students with personal and interpersonal skills, giving them opportunities to set their own goals, communicate needs, take responsibility for their actions, achieve their maximum independence and work co-operatively with others through a range of individual and group activities in college and the wider community.
There is a strong emphasis on healthy lifestyle with students learning to prepare healthy meals, live safely in the community, at home and online and also to take part in regular activities that involve physical exercise.
Preparation for adulthood is at the forefront of the college curriculum; we offer a stable Careers programme which offers encounters to work places, employees and employers. Additionally, we have links with Crawley College providing students with experiences of Further Education and the chance to pursue particular vocational interests.